Tuesday, March 2, 2010

More of the Sharon Tate Art Gallery, Sharon in "Don't Make Waves" and a clip from Polanski's "The Ghost Writer."

First of all, I apologize for making this short tonight but I have come down with an awful head and sinus cold. 

I found this art was reminiscent of Sharon from Deviant Art and iStockphoto:

Doesn't the above photo look like that one photo that was suppose to be Sharon but actually turned out to be some other actress?  I can't remember where I saw it but if you know email it to me and I'll put it here to show everyone.

And of course, I never can do "The Sharon Tate Art Gallery" segments without including the great Kerstien Matondang: 

From her website: http://www.kerstien.se/sharoninart.htm
Here is a review that focuses mainly on Sharon's performance in "Don't Make Waves."  A very interesting read:


And if you haven't seen "The Ghost Writer" yet here is a clip from it:


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