In a break from watching NCAA hoops today, I was signing out from my Yahoo! e-mail account when I noticed the following headline: “10 Most Historically Inaccurate Movies.” Well, twist my arm. I couldn’t help myself. I clicked the link and skimmed the list of “films that make your high school history teacher cry.”
The Patriot is there. Braveheart, too. Apocalypto, three. So apparently Mel Gibson is history’s arch nemesis, though the Yahoo! staff wasn’t ballsy enough to add The Passion Of The Christ to the list by questioning, say, Jesus’ rather milky skin tones. That would have pissed people off, and that’s not the reaction Yahoo! is looking for with this fluffy filler.
And fluff is what it is. In general I’m not a big fan of the top-10 fad, but lite fare isn’t such a bad thing on a Friday, so I thought I’d share the link. My first reaction reading the list was disappointment that almost all the movies were fairly recent, suggesting a pedestrian research effort. Then again, I’d really only quibble with the presence of 2001: A Space Odyssey, which is included in a lame effort to be cute.
So, I ask you: What affront to history is left off the list? Maybe my brain is pooped after a long week, but I couldn’t think of any obvious oversights.
Of course, if it were up to me I’d include Knocked Up. I know, I know: it’s not a “historical” movie. But in the history of mankind have you ever seen an inconsiderate, overweight, penniless slob like the dude on the right (below) land an intelligent, successful, charming babe like the woman on the left?
Talk about inaccurate!

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