Actress Joan Collins was asked recently about some of the great weddings she has attended and she mentioned Sharon as being one of the best! (Thanks to Jimena for this link!) :
She says of the Polanski nuptials:
A fabulous Sixties wedding given at the louche venue that was the Playboy Club in London was that of Roman Polanski and Sharon Tate. All the women wore micro-mini dresses, patterned tights and enormous hair, while the men featured a variety of moustaches, long sideburns and flowered shirts.
But none of the women could hold a candle to the gorgeous bride. In a short, white minidress, with masses of flowers in her luxuriant blonde locks, she was the absolute picture of joy and happiness. It was a joyous wedding and we had great fun.
Tragically, too short a time later, I also attended her funeral, after a beautiful and pregnant Sharon was viciously murdered in their Hollywood home.
And speaking of weddings this week, I found a Sharon and Patricia Tate mention on a web site about the recent Royal Wedding of William and Kate. However, it is not the ones we are thinking of. Apparently, one network interviewed two people who just happened to have the same names. I still thought it was worth mentioning since it was so coincidental that the article mentions a Sharon Tate and that her mother's name is Patricia. Read here for fun:
Here is some new nice art of Sharon from Deviant Art:
Here are some more links to stories and articles on Sharon:
And another photo site:
And here is a new short film made about Sharon with a song title that certainly agrees with her:
And ebay again this week showed some new great unseen photos of Sharon once again... Let the marathon (or whatever you want to call it) go on! :

Thanks for visiting my blog and have a great weekend!
She says of the Polanski nuptials:
A fabulous Sixties wedding given at the louche venue that was the Playboy Club in London was that of Roman Polanski and Sharon Tate. All the women wore micro-mini dresses, patterned tights and enormous hair, while the men featured a variety of moustaches, long sideburns and flowered shirts.
But none of the women could hold a candle to the gorgeous bride. In a short, white minidress, with masses of flowers in her luxuriant blonde locks, she was the absolute picture of joy and happiness. It was a joyous wedding and we had great fun.
Tragically, too short a time later, I also attended her funeral, after a beautiful and pregnant Sharon was viciously murdered in their Hollywood home.
And speaking of weddings this week, I found a Sharon and Patricia Tate mention on a web site about the recent Royal Wedding of William and Kate. However, it is not the ones we are thinking of. Apparently, one network interviewed two people who just happened to have the same names. I still thought it was worth mentioning since it was so coincidental that the article mentions a Sharon Tate and that her mother's name is Patricia. Read here for fun:
Here is some new nice art of Sharon from Deviant Art:
Here are some more links to stories and articles on Sharon:
And another photo site:
And here is a new short film made about Sharon with a song title that certainly agrees with her:
And ebay again this week showed some new great unseen photos of Sharon once again... Let the marathon (or whatever you want to call it) go on! :

Above: fashions from Valley of the Dolls.
Above: Peter Sellers playing Santa Claus--and doning her fur coat I might add--for an amused Sharon. And if you look closely, it looks like he may be wearing white socks for a beard?
A press photo for "Don't Make Waves."
Sharon was going to be in a Tarzan movie but she was eventually replaced by another actress.
Sharon's handsome father.
Sharon and Tony Curtis enjoy doing promotion photos for "Don't Make Waves."
A very young Sharon, from around 1963.
Sharon with Tony Scotti during a promotional luncheon for "Valley of the Dolls."
Sharon and Tony are visited by Barbara Parkins and it looks like Travilla? The clothes designer for the film.
Sharon, Tony and Barbara together.
And finally, someone emailed me this photo set of actress Eva Amurri (Susan Sarandon's daughter), who recently looked very much like Sharon in her spread for Maxim Magazine 's April 2011 issue: