A lot seems speculative at this juncture, but there’s a report today tying Brad Pitt, fresh off The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford, to Terrence Malick’s next film Tree Of Life. This has The Cooler excited, not because of Pitt’s involvement (though the Cooler King likes Pitt) but because any news about progress on another Malick movie is good news (the Cooler King loves Malick!). The story from IGN.com calls Tree Of Life “long in development” (aren’t all Malick movies?) and says Sean Penn is attached to the project as well.
Of course, when it comes to a Malick production, acting in the movie and being in the movie are two different things. Adrien Brody’s part in The Thin Red Line was written and filmed as a starring role, only to be slashed down in the editing room to a supporting part. Similarly, Thin Red Line supporting player Ben Chaplin wound up with hardly more than a row-by in Malick’s most recent picture, The New World.
But regardless of who ends up in front of the camera, Malick fans should be happy to know that New World cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki (Children Of Men) is among the production crew listed on the film’s IMDb profile. According to IMDb, the project is slated for release in 2009, but knowing Malick’s less than swift pace, I’m thinking late 2010 sounds more realistic.